JavaScriptXmlDoc 1.1 Documentation

JavaScriptXmlDoc is a documentation generator fo JavaScript libraries written in Java. It reads a xml file containing the documentation structure. It was originally created to build the JavaScripTools documentation. In fact, the most complete example I could provide is it :-) Download the latest JavaScripTools and check out the javascriptools-doc.xml, or view it on SourceForge's online cvs viewer.

Currently, the following elements can be documented:

You can run JavaScriptXmlDoc from the command line or using an ant task.

Running from Ant: Follow this example:

    <taskdef name="jsxmldoc" classname="org.javascriptxmldoc.ant.JavaScriptXmlDocTask">
            <fileset dir="PATH_TO_JSXMLDOC_DIR" includes="**/*.jar"/>
    <jsxmldoc source="PATH_TO_XML_FILE" dest="DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"/>
Aditionally, you can override the following project attributes: title, name, version and author.

Running from command line: Go to the directory <JSXMLDOC_HOME>/bin, or set the <JSXMLDOC_HOME> environment variable property, and run the jsxmldoc.bat (windows) or (linux), passing the following arguments:
Option Short Description
--file -f The XML file. May be an absolute path or relative to the current path or to a directory in the class path. Mandatory.
--dest -d The destination folder. May be an absolute path or relative to the current path. Mandatory.
--encoding -e The character encoding. Defaults to ISO-8859-1. Optional.
--template -t The folder containing the Velocity templates. May be an absolute path or relative to the current path. Defaults to 'template' on the class path. Optional.
--help -h Displays the command help.

The latest release can be found here. Logo

Creating the Documentation XML File

The documentation xml file must declare the following document type:

<!DOCTYPE javascriptdoc PUBLIC
    "-//JavaScriptXmlDoc "

These are the allowed tags:


Is the root document tag. It describes an entire project, contained of many scripts.

Attribute Description Required
name The project name true
title The documentation title false
description The project description. May be replaced by a nested description tag false

Children: description (optional), script (one or more)


Represent a script file (.js), wich declares constants, functions and classes.

Attribute Description Required
name The script name true
description The script description. May be replaced by a nested description tag false

Children: description (optional), dependencies (optional), constants (optional), functions (optional), classes (optional)


A container tag for dependency declaration.

Children: dependency (one or more)


Declares a script dependency - another script that must be imported before this one.

Attribute Description Required
script The script name true


A container tag for constant declaration.

Children: group (one or more)


Represent a constant.

Attribute Description Required
name The constant name true
description The constant description. May be replaced by a nested description tag false

Children: description (optional), dependencies (optional), constants (optional), functions (optional), classes (optional)


A container tag for top-level function declaration.

Children: group (one or more)


Represent a top-level function, that is, functions not associated with classes.

Attribute Description Required
name The function name true
return What the function returns (when there is a return value) false
description The function description. May be replaced by a nested description tag false

Children: description (optional), argument (zero or more)


A container tag for class declaration.

Children: group (one or more)


Represent a class, that is, functions wich are instantiated using the "new" operator.

Attribute Description Required
name The class name true
extends Indicates the base class, that is, wich class this one extends false
description The class description. May be replaced by a nested description tag false

Children: description (optional), example (optional), constructor (optional), methods (optional), properties (optional)


A tag containing, on it's body, a class usage example.


A container tag for a class constructor arguments declaration.

Children: argument (one or more)


A container tag for a class method declaration.

Children: group (one or more)


Represent a class method, that is a function associated with that class.

Attribute Description Required
name The method name true
return What the method returns (when there is a return value) false
description The method description. May be replaced by a nested description tag false

Children: description (optional), argument (zero or more)


A container tag for a class property declaration.

Children: group (one or more)


Represent a class property, that is a variable associated with that class. It may declare nested enum tags, indicating possible enumerated values expected for the property.

Attribute Description Required
name The method name true
type The expected property type false
default The property default value, that is, the assume value when it's not explicitly changed false
description The property description. May be replaced by a nested description tag false

Children: description (optional), enum (zero or more)


Groups nested elements together. Used on constants, functions, classes, methods and properties.

Attribute Description Required
name The group name. When not informed, a "default" group is assumed. false
description The group description. May be replaced by a nested description tag false

Children: description (optional) and one or more of the following: constant, function, class, method or property


Represents a function, method or constructor argument. It may declare nested enum tags, indicating possible enumerated values expected for the argument.

Attribute Description Required
name The argument name. true
type The expected argument type. false
default The default value, when the argument is not explicitly informed. false
propertyGroup Only for constructor arguments. When the constructor argument is also a property, the group name for that property, so there's no need to explicitly declare it. false
description The argument description. May be replaced by a nested description tag false

Children: description (optional), enum (zero or more)


Represents an enumerated value to a property or argument.

Attribute Description Required
const The constant name or value, representing a possible value true
description The argument description. May be replaced by a nested description tag false

Children: description (optional)


An element description.